
The Year in Review

Quarterly Business Boosters Featuring Special Guests

Ultra high level thinking in under an hour

I started these quarterly Q&A Sessions to help promote the content in my books, and to encourage clients and contacts I work with to understand some of the many aspects of business supply chain and risk management that applies to anyone wanting to do better business. SME’s and Large companies have one thing in common – they all face risk to their daily productivity and survival.

Here’s what we talked about:

Billions of Dollars Up for Grabs…
The Government is ready and able to give a lot more business to SMEs but why are so many businesses ignoring these opportunities?  What more could you be getting by following some very simple steps about tendering for bigger opportunities?

Systems and Simplicity
The reality of having systems in your business is about simplifying the complexity, not the other way around.  We talked about the need for systems for better business and also better mental health for everyone!

Risk and Resilience
Being ready for what ever comes up that might derail your best intentions, from fire, flood and other nature bombs, to critical staff losses, lack of systems, and contract issues. Being ready to undergo due diligence by contractors also means ensuring you have a Risk Ready plan.

Getting Ready to Pitch for BIGGER Business Opportunities

  • Understand that the buyer is the Govt. You need to know their stake holders, legal and registered bodies. You need to also understand your clients, and the Govt needs to know you, your clients/suppliers, and your ethics. There is an ethical supplier threshold – a number of boxes to tick off by you, and you will need to be prepared for due diligence to be undertaken as part of that process too.
  • Get your business onto a very solid foundation.
  • Simplify the complexity – this means having great systems that are not only documented but being used in your business, not just created and set into a folder somewhere.
  • You need to be better known, with a high digital presence, and your website and marketing must be high quality and highly visible.
  • You must tell your story – with capability statements to assure you are understood.

When writing tenders, whether you win them or lose them, then you should ask for a debrief.  Govt departments are obligated to do these debriefs, where you can learn what went wrong or right in the process.  Private companies may do this but it’s not mandatory that they do so. You may have to ask more than once to get a debrief and it’s worth sending your questions in ahead of the meeting to ensure you get the answers you really want.

“I learned more in under an hour than I’ve been able to glean from hours searching for this kind of information.”

Running a Business or an Adult Daycare Center?

Apart from the consistency that our big customers demand, good business systems give us another important benefit. They contribute to the positive mental health of our teams. Simply turning up every day and hoping that things go as well as, or better than, the day before is like casting dice in a casino. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn’t. The result? Your business spends much of its time closely resembling an adult daycare centre. A major stressor in our work lives is not knowing exactly what is expected of us, and constantly second-guessing what to do.

Good systems help good mental health

Have your processes written down and clearly understood by all stakeholders in each area of your operation, so that everything you do is not stored only in someone’s head.

Identify the bottlenecks in your business, and find ways to clear them.

“Fast, practical advice and timely business tips – brilliant format and great use of my time.”

Ready for what ever comes up next? Risk and Resilience Planning is Critical

18.1 million people affected by floods in Australia in 2022.  According to the Insurance Council of Australia, the 2021-22 financial year was the worst in history for natural disaster related insurance costs – at $7.3 billion. Those were two specifically gruesome figures in the Australian Guardian newspaper over the weekend of 17th September.

Already the weather in 2023 is indicative of another terrible year of unpredictability and a conversation with a local long-standing fire officer this week highlighted the fact that it’s going to be a long hot summer and everyone needs to be well prepared for ‘whatever is coming our way’.

Unpack and Prioritise for 2024 so you’re ready to: 

  • Pitch for bigger, better business
  • Ensure your systems are simple, robust, and working smart,
  • Bounce back from any side swipes that come at you, now or in the future. 

Don’t miss your exclusive opportunity for a strategy session on effective risk planning and management! 📈 My UP Sessions – Unpack and Prioritise – focus on what you need to be doing, how to plan the actions necessary to ensure you are ready for the expected, and the unexpected curve balls that might upset your business at any time.

Decide what dates, times, and location options work for you, and book this now.  It’s a personal 1-1 session, focused 100% on you. Limited spaces are available before the end of the year, or January is a favoured time for many businesses to do forward planning.  If you book this now, it’s $1200 BUT a $500 rebate if you then want to progress further with any other training or development programs I offer for the next 3-6 months.

This is a very small investment for massive saving in time, despair, recovery and
resilience for your business right now.

for 2024’s Quarterly Business Boosters:

If you’re already registered for the 2024 Series of Q&A Sessions, and here’s what is instore:

  • February Focus = The Gap Effect – improving communication between large and small companies
  • May Focus = Business Mental Health Strategies – for business and for stakeholders!
  • August Focus = Due Diligence – Does it scare you?
  • November Focus = Leadership through challenges – Risk and Resilience Revisited

If you would like to share more about these Quarterly Business Boosters with your friends, colleagues, and community CLICK HERE NOW 

Recordings of the 2023 Q&A Sessions: