

In 2022, I was approached by a young man with an exciting business. He wanted my help in targeting a particular mine site. He knew they had a problem, and he knew he had the answer. I could tell you the long version, but let’s cut to the chase here: his ability to land that contract was pretty evident to me, but he wasn’t ready to pitch successfully. There were logistical issues, delivery of service issues, and even costing the services was not-so easy. His solution was not “off the shelf”, so he had to prove his company was not a risk, was viable, and was safe.

One of the biggest issues that most people don’t recognise as part of their pitch, proposals and tender documents is that RISK READINESS and DISASTER RECOVERY planning is critically important for the companies you’re pitching to.

That business owner and I got to work, ironed out the supply creases, created and risk recovery plan, got the pitch sharpened, and within a few weeks, he was happily signed up to a $100,000 agreement to provide his extremely-niched services.

At the time, his partner was expecting their first child… Can you imagine the stress of NOT getting that contract?

Now, a bit over a year later, we are working together on other contracts. Just last month, another lovely Purchase Order landed in his Inbox, and that one has HUGE potential to be a multi-million-dollar earner over many years. Again, we had to prove that his innovative service, and the way his company operates, were NOT A RISK to the buyer.

 This kind of thing happens constantly!

 You put the proposal, tender or pitch document forward, find out you are unsuccessful, and don’t even get told why you didn’t get the contract. ☹ I spent years doing the same thing – investing valuable time, dollars and energy into chasing big potential contracts, and then nothing, nadah, ZIP!

So, over 15 years ago, I rolled up my sleeves and started to really understand the difference between what does and doesn’t ring the bells for the people assigning big contracts to smaller companies.

It’s called The GAP Effect and it’s what happens when two parties view the same colours through different ends of the kaleidoscope. They’re seeing the same thing from a different point of view. It’s almost like they are speaking different languages.

Now – I’m running a series of highly effective training programs for people just like you who want that golden opportunity that comes from the big wins – like the one I described above – without feeling like you’re taking a lottery ticket every time you try.

Let’s do this:

With max. 10 people at a time, you can learn with me. What is, (and what is not) possible for your business? Can it really hit more, bigger, balls right out of the ballpark?

This is a weekly program for 10 weeks

I call this the CARDIO Program:

  • Continuity Adaptability Resilience Diversity Innovation Opportunity

These are the qualities your potential bigger customers are looking for in their suppliers, so that is what we build together.

Every week is a 90 minute* online, group session. (Every person gets a turn at being in the “Hot Seat” where I, and your peers, can help you nut out the important issues that YOU face).

*Spoiler alert – sometimes we may go over that 30 minutes mark if you still have questions because we want to really get things happening. Time is not the issue. Timing is!

What Else…?

You get all this:

  • Campus Access – Over 20 videos, templates, tools and resources.
  • A private Facebook Group for discussion, collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Recordings of all meeting sessions.


  • 2 months of “Ask Me Anything” following the Program.
  • A 1 on 1 review of your completed CARDIO Plan 3 months after the Program ends.

Within that 10 weeks,

…you’re going to prepare yourself to find an ideal contract.

  • You will have a solid plan to help you prepare for, respond to, and recover from a business crisis.
  • You’ll work with me on identifying exactly what you need to do and say in your pitch to big buyers to prove you are not a risk.
  • You’ll have to work on a few areas of your business to ensure you are truly ready and able to deliver on what you’re pitching for if/when successful.
  • We’ll celebrate your success, and/or analyse very carefully what did not work, so you’re completely ready for the next opportunity after that.
  • You’ll develop skills you need to continue refining this process, so your business is100% ready to punch above its current weight.

Now – I know that if you’re targeting much bigger customers, and better success rates when you approach those high levels of business, you are  willing to invest in this process.

But for Queensland businesses, if you contact me about this before the end of THIS Week, I’m going to help you work out how to get my entire program funded by the current round of QLD Business Basics Grants.

Timing is important – I said that already, So don’t delay.
Book a call with me and let’s get this ball rolling for you.

This Program includes TWO of my specialised programs – the CARDIO and the UP Sessions. But there’s more – as we also work through the one-on-one documentation for the pitch you want to make.

One More Thing…

This  program also focuses a lot on identifying your risk readiness. Because large companies need to have a lot of reassurance about your ability to deal with a crisis, they want to know you have a plan for ‘what if’.  That means we’ll cover a lot of what is in my book Small Company Big Crisis. Including my Seven Point Plan for ensuring you’re covered to bounce back quickly if and when plans go awry!

You’ll get a FREE copy of each of these books when you call me – just for calling to talk about your current situation.