
Book an UP Session – Unpack & Prioritise


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that you need to do to start punching above your weight, working at a higher level of business, and becoming part of a bigger supply chain, there’s a chance you really have it all together, BUT, need some guidance, a few strategies in place, and to map out your next steps.

Taking advantage of greater opportunities in your business means knowing how to measure up in the eyes of those you wish to do bigger business with, and there’s some handy ‘tricks’ to that.  I’m here to guide you through it, and maybe you’ll also benefit hugely from my mentoring, or intensive sessions, and especially some of my training programs, but the very first step is to Unpack everything and then Prioritise things.

So, let’s do that!

The Q&A Recording:

The latest Q&A Booster Session focused on what it really takes for SMEs to get LARGE contracts with BIG companies.  There are some simple things you can do to help yourself achieve more in this area.  Here’s where you can review that content.

Here’s a bit about how this works:

The UP (Unpack and Prioritise) Session is designed to help you identify your biggest challenges in relation to doing business with larger companies my unique framework. By the end of it, my aim for you is to take some specific actions, within identified timelines, and know exactly what you need to do regarding prioritising your next steps.

In our 90 minute UP Session I’ll focus on helping you:

  • Unpacking your biggest opportunities;
  • Identifying the challenges to your maximising those opportunities;
  • Work out what your best plan is to move forward.

I’ll also help you to:

  • Identify any additional training, coaching, developmental needs;
  • Where your lowest hanging fruits really are;
  • What your risk exposures might be and what to do about that;
  • Exactly what you need to do to be extremely attractive to big business.


“We knew we had a solution to a large mining company’s problem, but we were having trouble getting in the door. Bronwyn helped us negotiate the barriers, and we came away with a 6 figure Purchase Order – and continuing work. Now we’re shooting for the stars, and have an impressive list of new clients (all big names) for our drone business.”

Karl Wouters
Innovative Drone Services

Before we start, you’ll need to send me some information so that I’m completely ready for our meeting, to  ensure you get the best out of our time together.

Please – complete the quiz below, to help us both identify some of the deeper issues that I may be able to identify and talk with you about. Sometimes the obvious challenges end up disguised as something different – so taking time to do this is really helpful for both of us.

Your investment is $1250 Plus GST including my preparation work, one page report, and the actual session.  You also get a copy of each of my books, and other useful resources you can use immediately.

And – if you invest in any of my programs (ie Tendering, Small Company Big Business, or Intensive Sessions) within 3 months, you get $500 off that purchase.


Here’s what one client had to say recently >