How to Make Sure Your Tender Doesn’t Fall at the First Hurdle
Recently, I attended a workshop about writing Tenders with the procurement team of a very large, multinational company, along with a selection of their small business suppliers.
In my experience, the procurement teams of many large organisations exist in a parallel universe somewhere – virtually uncontactable and untouchable by we mere mortals, so having such an opportunity is quite unusual. The procurement team freely shared their experiences, answered questions, and clearly articulated what it is that they look for when evaluating tender submissions.
What do big companies look for when they evaluate Tenders?
We even got to work through an actual tender document with them, where they pointed out the items that we really should be paying attention to. Some of these were very obvious, but the team reliably informed us that they see all manner of things in tender submissions, not all of which are “best practice”. Lack of attention to some of these basic items means that your tender submission will most probably be discarded immediately – without receiving any consideration at all. READ MORE