by Bronwyn | Aug 1, 2022 | Australian Small Business, Business Systems, Case Studies, Doing Business Better
In previous posts, I have written about finding the “one-percenters” in your organisation – the things you can tweak in your business systems to make continual, small improvements. Hopefully you have already started identifying some of these. I know that some readers...
by Bronwyn | Jun 14, 2022 | Business Ethics, Small Biz Tips
This article was written for and first appeared on First5000 on October 27, 2022 The main consequence of COVID 19 has been to expose cracks in our society and institutions. Where weaknesses existed previously, the strains of the pandemic have blown those cracks apart...
by Bronwyn | Jul 8, 2021 | Blog, Risk Management, Small Biz Tips
Published in Kochies Builders July 2021 Every week, we see another media story about a cyberattack, where unknown computer hackers have broken into the network of a company and corrupted, deleted or stolen computer files. Being hacked is a terrifying thought. Hundreds...