by Bronwyn | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, Business Systems, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips, Tenders
Some big companies still don’t get it. Every small business owner can tell stories about how their company has suffered at the hands of a large corporate wielding unfair contracts. I’m sure you will recall the 2016 debacle in the Australian milk industry, where a...
by Bronwyn | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, Business Systems, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips, Tenders
How to Make Sure Your Tender Doesn’t Fall at the First Hurdle Recently, I attended a workshop about writing Tenders with the procurement team of a very large, multinational company, along with a selection of their small business suppliers. In my experience, the...
by Bronwyn | Jul 2, 2021 | Blog, Business Ethics, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips, Tenders
B2B CLIENTS “I’ve never met Ian Dainty – he’s from Canada – but we’ve been talking and emailing for some years now. Ian has a lifetime of experience in B2B sales, so value his opinions highly. Like other leaders I respect, in this post Ian is reinforcing that...
by Bronwyn | Jul 2, 2021 | Blog, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips, Tenders
Landing a contract with a big company is the stuff of dreams for many Small Business owners. At long last, there is a regular income from a big customer, and there is usually a quantum leap in turnover to go with it. What’s not to like? But there are several things to...
by Bronwyn | Jun 19, 2021 | Australian Small Business, Blog, Media, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips, Tenders
This article was published in The Asian Entrepreneur, November 16 2020 Almost every small business owner starts their business venture with the hope of eventually landing a big-name company as a client. Instead of constantly chasing leads and having a “feast or...