by Bronwyn | Aug 27, 2022 | Blog, Events, Media, Uncategorized
Paul Culliver and Bronwyn Reid have a conversation on ABC Breakfast about International Women’s Day, and a Female Founders Initiative Seminar held in Emerald, Queensland. 17 March 2021...
by Bronwyn | Dec 9, 2021 | Blog, Business Ethics, Events
Today is International Anti-Corruption Day. I believe that crorruption is the catalyst for most of what is wrong in our world. Have a look through the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Corruption hinders progress on pretty much all of them. Corruption steals from...
by Bronwyn | Jul 31, 2021 | Blog, Business Ethics, Events, Risk Management, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips
I’m delighted to let everyone know that I have been appointed to the Workplace Health & Safety Queensland’s Safety Leadership at Work Expert Reference Group. The Safety Leadership at Work program is designed to improve safety culture and contribute to reducing...
by Bronwyn | Jul 30, 2021 | Blog, Business Systems, Events, News, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips
After 18 months of planning and hard work by a few dedicated individuals, the Bowen Basin Business Development Initiative will be launched on September 18th in Moranbah. [bs_button size=”md” type=”info” value=”Join us at the Official Launch”...
by Bronwyn | Jul 24, 2021 | Australian Small Business, Blog, Events, News, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips
Happy Small Business Week everyone! This week is officially 2016 Queensland Small Business Week – when the State celebrates the contribution that small businesses and their owner make to our communities. “97% of Queensland’s businesses have less than 20 employees, and...
by Bronwyn | Jul 22, 2021 | Australian Small Business, Blog, Events, Small Biz Big Biz Relationships, Small Biz Tips
Be Bold For Change and make your company more profitable. On International Women’s Day 2017, I had the honour and pleasure of being the MC at a “Women Leading the Way” Luncheon. As with every IWD function across the world, women and men came together to celebrate the...